Calendar Girls (June 2019): Pride

Calendar Girls (1)

New month, new Calendar Girls post! If you are unfamiliar with Calendar Girls events each month, check out their info page here.

The votes are in, and June’s theme has been decided!:

PRIDE: Favorite Book with LGBTQ+ Representation

Image result for PRIDE GIF

I have been waiting for a topic that I can just overload you with recs for! Since entering the community two years ago, I like to think that my reading tastes have change quite a bit. I let a lot more flavor into my reading than I once used to. Guys I am so excited for this month’s theme! Let’s get into the long list of honorable mentions.


Why are these all graphic novels ?!?!?! I guess I need to read more LGBTQ books than I originally thought. Out of these, Check Please is definitely my favorite. OH MY GOSH is it cute. I just love it so much. You simply MUST read it. It is about a gay college freshman (and then sophomore) who joins the men’s hockey team. He is just the sweetest southern boy ever, and even bakes his teammates pie! But enough about pie, let’s get to the actual choice here!

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


I mean. I mean HOW COULD IT NOT?!? This, to me, has some of the best rep possible. The romance was just so sweet and wonderful and god I love this book. There is so much love, and support among characters, and in a time where it wasn’t exactly okay to be out and proud, they all found a way to live happily and on their terms. That wasn’t without a significant amount of pain and turmoil though.

Evelyn Hugo is a nobody. But she wants to be someone so desperately that she isn’t above doing anything to get to the top of Hollywood elite. She even dyed her hair and changed her name to be more like what was desired at the time. It is with her first marriage that Evelyn Hugo manipulates her way into fame. I don;t want to give too much away but please, believe the hype. This book is THAT good. Everyone needs to read it.

You can see both Katie’s and Adrienne’s posts below:

Never Not Reading

Darque Dreamer Reads

16 thoughts on “Calendar Girls (June 2019): Pride

  1. This Samantha seems a very good one! I haven’t read it (yet) but I should have been blind not to see all the hype and the praise around it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yaaaas! Some of our honourable mentions are the same šŸ˜€ Also I forgot Toil & Trouble had some LGBTQ+ stories! Silly me. And your main pick…I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. I own a copy so I really should just read it as soon as I possibly can!

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